What is Cache?

What is cache? 

Caching refers to storing copies of a file in a temporary storage location. Browsers do this for various reasons: to help with form filling or because you visit a site frequently and it helps with load time. What to cache and for how long is determined by the website. Some assets are removed from your machine in a few days while others may remain in your cache for up to a year.   


So if it's good, why clear it? 

Even with its benefits, cache still can pile up and eventually slow down a computer or device as well as affect website loading time and formatting issues. 


Is browser history the same as cache? 

No. It’s important to note that clearing your browser history is not the same as clearing your browser cache. Browser history is the web address sites you have visited in the past only.  Clearing cache can clear your browser history if you select that option but clearing your browser history will not clear your browser cache.


Will I be logged out of sites or lose saved passwords? 

Yes, this can happen. Each browser has its own way to clear their cache.  When you clear your cache it can also clear sites you are logged into. Most browsers have options where you can check or uncheck this option so before clearing your cache make sure you read the direction for the browser. 



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